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You can now donate quickly, easily and securely online with a credit card or checking account through PayPal and Venmo. (You DO NOT have to be a member of PayPal to donate! Just click the yellow donate button.)

We are a Guide Star (Candid) Platinum Certified non-profit, 501(c)(3), credible organization. Rise does not receive any state, federal or county funding. We rely exclusively on donations from the public to achieve our mission. All donations are tax deductible.

Want to help even more? And at NO COST TO YOU? Here are some ways you can:

Click any of these icons and select Rise Raptor Project as your charity of choice. Then get the joy of knowing every time you shop you are helping us make the world a better place.


We appreciate your generosity in making the world a better place through the education of all.

August 11, 2017